Finally, an easy, in home, 20 minute,
HIV oral swab test!
As a relationship counselor, I have had the great honor to be a supportive agent not only for the Aids Foundation, but also to bring safe sex awareness to singles everywhere! Getting tested is imperative for your health, and for others as well!
Part of my vast journey has also been hearing story after story of how scary getting tested can be. I also validate anyone's previously, prolonged experience to get results! First, making the doctor's appointment, then giving blood, then waiting almost 2 weeks to hear a response. Let's also mention if one lived in a small town, where one may personally know the physician. It's no wonder why many felt they simple could not tolerate the humiliation of going through the testing process!
However, now the FDA has finally approved an easy, in home test!
Before writing this blog, I found a local pharmacy, marched right in to buy this over the counter, no prescription needed, and wonderfully, not hidden behind the pharmacists' hidden glass product to give it a try.
Here's why I am such a huge fan of OraQuick!
No Blood
Just an easy oral swap.
Results Are in 20
Called rapid results, you may read your results between as early as 20 to no longer than 40 mins.
Easy Instructions
As I am a visual processor, the kit gives you easy diagrams to show how to use it.
Results are Simple
No wishy washy ways to read results! If you are negative, then there is ONE line. If you are positive, there are TWO lines.
Discrete Removal
There is a discrete bag, that almost looks like a plastic, no see through, Fed Ex Package to completely dispose of the test.
Customer Support and Resource Guide
If you have any questions there is customer support, or even resources for counseling in your area.
On a note of caution, Ora Quick, as well as The Center for Disease Control clearly states that you must wait 3 months from your last sexual partner
(including oral sex ) to have a true negative result.
Please go to to find a retailer close to you!
Also please go to
to read more about HIV testing.
To see more of me go to